Sunday, June 2, 2013

Simple Ways to Get Rid of Cellulite

Cellulite is fat cells that have expanded in the middle layer of the skin, where they pull the connective tissue to create a surface unattractive, dimpling of the skin. Until recently, the conventional medical wisdom was that nothing could be done to get rid of cellulite.
Can I get rid of Cellulite myself?
If you do not want the expense or inconvenience of invasiveness, Cellulaze, there are things you can do to get rid of cellulite, according to Dr. Murad a dermatologist graduate Clinical Associate Professor of Dermatology at the University of California. Progresses cellulite through four phases and before we start to treat cellulite, the more success you will have.
To get rid of cellulite, Dr. Murad says it is necessary to strengthen and moisturize your body’s cells and connective tissue in your body. Cellulitis may not disappear entirely, but should decrease if you follow some of these steps.
These are simple tips to get rid of cellulite
1. for the job. The best thing to do is combine cardio training with strength training to hit it with a double whammy. Running and stair climbing should be a big part of your cardio for targeting cellulite. As for strength training, you want to build muscle in areas that are probably going to be affected, as the butt, thighs and belly. Leg curls, squats, sit-ups and reverse sit-ups are your best bet.
2. eat plenty of green vegetables like broccoli, which is great for de-toxing. Obviously, can entire books have been written about your diet, so I can’t go through it all here, but the best diet to reduce cellulite and fat is a composed primarily of those vegetables, especially raw.
3. body brushing helps. It is very simple. The best place to do this is in the shower, since you’re already naked anyway. You want to brush in circular movements upwards, towards the heart. This promotes circulation and blood flow, as well as a detoxifying effect because it stimulates the lymphatic system.
4. You must drink plenty of water! About 1-2 litres a day to flush out the toxins that can cause cellulite. Fat cells surround the toxins as a way to protect your body. A way to lose the fat cells surrounding the toxins you lose toxins naturally. Also, staying hydrated is important to the appearance of the skin, keeps the muscles fuller and naturally flushes the system.
5. Always make sure you use a cream as Procellix Cellulite Toner to help you get rid of cellulite.
6. If cellulite is severe, avoid high pressure massage to prevent damage to the lymphatic function and microcirculation. Also avoid high-impact workout.
7. Apply a mixture of essential oil stimulates blood circulation and lymphatic systems toward the back of the knees and at the top of your thighs near the bikini line. Naturopathica Deep Forest bath and body oil is a good one.
What does not get rid of Cellulite?
1. Traditional liposuction to get rid of cellulite. In fact, it might make the problem more obvious.
2. Body wraps promise to reduce the diameter of the thigh by one inch work by compressing the fabric. They are a good choice for a big night out, but not get rid of cellulite.
3. Wearing inflatable plastic shorts around the House. Just make you uncomfortable and sweaty.
4. Using detox foot pads. Moisture itself transforms them dark, not leaving your body of toxins.

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